Published 28th October 2009 in BMA Magazine
50 LIONS have the talent, the vision and the balls to make it in the hardcore scene, not just in Australia but internationally as well. They have escaped the bonds of metalcore and have become an entirely unique band. They are set to team up with Trapped Under Ice for the upcoming Where Life Expires tour, and they're surely going to make some waves.
"We're a hardcore band and always have been. In saying that, we aren't trying to segregate ourselves at all. We play similar venues to metalcore bands - we play alongside them." It seems that there is a substantial dichotomy between modern hardcore and metalcore, a different kind of mentality that separates the two genres but also illuminates their similarities. "Hardcore is more based around energy and interaction with the crowd rather than playing on a massive stage with a barricade and matching stage moves and stage props."
50 Lions is a lucky name for a lucky bunch of guys. They took the name from a poker machine they would regularly win on and the luck carried over to the band when they released their first self-titled demo, which sold out in under three months. They've also shared the stage with some of their biggest influences, including Terror and Madball. "It's always good to play with awesome bands, especially older bands and ones that have influenced your music. You learn a lot from them by watching them live and how they play and carry themselves. You also find that they're not superheroes, they're usually just down to earth people who have put in a lot of time and effort to get where they're at."
Aside from breaking away from the current hardcore trends, they also diverge from the slew of MySpace-orientated bands that have popped up in the last few years. "MySpace can only take you so far as a band. You may have a million friends and plays but if you can't get kids to your shows and sell records, then it seems to be missing the real point. Personally I think we're at the place we are right now from hard work and a good work ethic when it comes to touring and putting out new material on a regular basis so kids don't get bored of us."
After the national tour, they're taking a month off and then heading out to the highway on the Boys of Summer tour, then doing a few shows in southeast Asia. "In general we're going to be on the road a lot more and trying to tour more on an international level as well."
What do the Byron Bay boys have to say about Canberra? "Canberra has always been a town that we need to play more and missed on a lot of tours. These days there is a lot of cool bands coming out of Canberra, some good venues and people working hard to make it what it is today. 'Support your localbands and shows' is the only real thing that needs to be said."
50 Lions and Trapped Under Ice (USA) will play the Tuggeranong Youth Centre on Sunday November 8. Tickets through Moshtix.
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