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Friday, August 3, 2012

LIVE REVIEW: Slayer + Megadeth @ Hordern Pavillion 8/10/2009

Posted on my last.fm profile but otherwise unpublished

Tangible anticipation was in the air yesterday afternoon as the lines grew and grew for the best double bill since Nile and Decapitated - SLAYER AND MEGADETH.

After a quick drink at the pub with the other Canberra guys, we headed into the line with the two other members of the band I'm in, Kill On Command. Unfortunately we weren't opening for Slayer, and after a quick stop at the merch van, we went in to see Double Dragon (who really weren't anything to get excited about, but had a decent amount of energy and aggression onstage).

Megadeth (or should I say Dave Mustaine?) took the stage and truly made an entrance for themselves. They ripped into lots of the classics, such as Hangar 18, Tornado of Souls, Symphony of Destruction, Devil's Island, Holy Wars and Headcrusher from the new album Endgame. The real highlight of their set was newcomer Chris Borderick (formerly the live guitarist for Nevermore), with his delicious riffing and awe-inspiring solos. The only bad thing about their set was that the sound wasn't loud enough. My ears weren't ringing even after being near the speakers for half of their set.

Everyone pushed up to the front as far as they could when the curtain came down and we began to see Kerry King's silhouette on the other side. Soon the Hordern Pavillion went dark, and Slayer's logo was projected in bright white light onto the curtain. As it dropped, our four favourite thrashers launched into one of their latests with the title track from the new album "World Painted Blood". They followed this with thirteen other similarly energetic and heavy songs, including War Ensemble, Mandatory Suicide, Chemical Warfare, Ghosts of War, Dead Skin Mask, Disciple, Hell Awaits, South of Heaven and the crowd favourite, Raining Blood; interspersed with two more new songs, Psychopathy Red and Hate Worldwide. Sound-wise, Slayer were louder than a newly-wed couple procreating for the first time if they taped microphones to themselves and hooked them up to 80 subwoofers (which, incidentally, was the amount of subwoofers that Slayer were using). The mosh pit was intense as only a Slayer mosh pit can be. On top of this, I snapped the best photo I've ever taken on a phone, which you'll find at the top of this review. All in all, Slayer were dominating everything in front of them, creating a live experience that no other band can accomplish. If you haven't seen them before, you absolutely need to see them as soon as you can. It's worth any amount of money to experience a good live sound, a good mosh pit and good songs played by a fantastic band. I could go on but I would end up repeating myself, and that's something none of us need. I can't praise Slayer highly enough.

Now, I have the special Reign In Blood show at Luna Park to look forward to! Seeing Slayer twice in the space of a week - can you honestly ask for anything better?


Setlist - 9 (They forgot to play Five Magics)

Sound - 6.5 (Much too soft)

Stage Presence - 9.5 (Mustaine loses points for bringing God into it)

Overall - 9.5/10


Setlist - 9 (Would have liked more golden oldies, but still great)

Sound - 10 (Self explanatory)

Stage Presence - 10 (In your face)

Overall - Infinity/10

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